E-bay first timers

There’s a really nice lady, friend of my mum’s who I know a little from church. She’s over 60, and recently decided to branch out and join the online revolution. Her son got her a computer, and after casting around a bit, she discovered e-bay. ‘Aha,’ she thought, ‘I can do this!’ and promptly became a demon bidder, ordering videos, clothes and even some scalextric track for her grandchildren.
All went well, until the packages started trickling in. So far she has managed to buy:
FIVE VIDEOS    – but!
(two in japanese, one playable only in the States,and one featuring some VERY naughty ladies who were clearly NOT, as she had been expecting, working on their upper body strength) 
TROUSERS        – but!
 (one pair is too short, one would fit an elephant)
(none of them actually fit together)
(For a four year old)
Not daunted by these mishaps, she made her finest purchase yet – the generous purchase of an embroidered hanging for the church. She looked around for a suitable place, and was torn between the wall above the altar (about 2m sq) , or a broad section of panelling opposite the main door, where everyone could see it. She consulted the vicar, who thought it would be lovely over the altar and was delighted. The package duly arrived and she unveiled it to find it was approx. 7cm x 5cm. Lovely on the wall of Barbie’s First Temple.
This magnificent woman laughed so much she dropped the article into her coffee, but nothing daunted, was online again the next morning searching for more bargains. As she said, ‘something’s got to come out ok…….. eventually…’
Anyone else have any e-bay disaster stories?
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6 Responses to E-bay first timers

  1. Hope says:

    that\’s funny.. well with enough determination..(which sounds like she has) anything can happen I guess.. My older son sells and buys cars over e-bay.. makes pretty good money at it.. me.. think I will continue to pass.. hope your weekend will be nice.. ~Hope

  2. Mio says:

    Funny old woman. Quite a funny entry. But nope.. i don\’t do purchasing online. I guess becoz i fear lots that i\’d end up buying things that either don\’t fit or match. 🙂

  3. Sanjana says:

    aah ebay seems to have everyone by the head. But not me . not as yet. i like to try out what i buy. Being in the garment business and having sent a out a lot of photosamples that never had productions pce looking remotely like them i know not to go by photosamples.

  4. Jorge says:

    Made it back, and as soon as I can get some of this work stuff out of the way, I\’ll try to share a few of the wonders we\’ve experienced. As far as e-bay, it\’s a world I know only third hand, though I have heard a number of outlandish stories. Hope springs eternal! Be well,

  5. Gayle says:

    LOL – eBay seems to me a huge mystery – a seemingly simple concept, but as your mum\’s friend illustrates, a real crapshoot. Hey, some folks enjoy a good gamble!
    Take it light…

  6. meghna says:

    eternal optimist…
    i\’d much rather keep away from ebay… i still prefer shopping in real shops…
    take care

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