
Right. I seem to have deleted several posts while trying to shift them about. Have hit ‘restore’, but something is awry.

Ah well, I don’t suppose they are any real loss. If I can find them, I’ll put them back, but what are they after all, but my rambling, self-focused bullshit?

Light is swelling here, 22hrs of daylight and the snow fleeing away. It’s hard knowing when to go to bed, especially for me, who doesn’t sleep much anyway. I need to decide soon whether to apply to stay, or return home and decide what to do from there.

Well, I’ve nothing to say of any stonking gravity or poetry, or, really, any self-focused bullshitting to do either. The long daylight is not conducive to naval-gazing, and in any case thinking, right now, is off the agenda for the sake of self preservation.

So, in case my battallion of fans comes searching and finds all the missing posts – fear not, it’s just a glitch caused by my trying to be smart and reorganise. I should know better.

Now. A cup of something to help sleep come and another long day of light tomorrow. Back to London next week for a visit and some decisions.

What I have enjoyed are the legends and myths, and the old poetry:

Hávamál – Hávamál, the second mythological poem in the Elder Edda, The poem goes back to the Viking Age (c.793 – 1066 AD) and the virtues presented are temperance and sobriety. The moral is practically oriented and sometimes balances on the edge of cynicism.


The cattle know
when it is expected home,
then it walks to the farm from the outfield;
but unwise man
never knows
his own limitations.


Unwise man
is always lying awake
thinking of many things;
he is tired
when the day comes,
everything is in imbalance as before.


Bid farewell
do not always visit
the same place;
it may easily happen
one gets tired of the dear one
if he forgets to leave.

I’m just an unwise man who never tires of his dear one. And I do have 27% Scandinavian dna, so maybe that’s why I like this part of the world. Still. Perhaps it’s time to go home.


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6 Responses to Hmm.

  1. novocoboro says:

    I’d love to tire you out, matey mine, till them cows up there come home, but as it is, I’m not sure I’d know you from Adam. Now why is that, do you think?

  2. L says:

    Oh, I think I’d know you if I were blindfolded in a dark room with my hands tied behind my back.

  3. novocoboro says:

    Like we have now.

  4. Alec says:

    Wondered what happened. See you at H’s wedding next week.

  5. Rob says:

    I’ll look up the poetry, looks beautiful. Talk at H’s. Is the Icy adventure over? What next?

  6. L says:

    No idea, Rob. Really no idea.

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